Saturday, July 17, 2010


Superstudio is quickly approaching! If you haven't heard of it or participated before, it's an annual student competition organised by SANNZ, where you're given a brief brief and brief time period in which to throw together a proposal. It's both a fantastic opportunity to meet students from other schools, year groups and disciplines, as well as be amazed by how much can be achieved in shuch a short period of time.

This year it's being held up in Auckland, and SANNZ is helping us get up there by hopefully subsidising a train trip for those who register. For more information, come to the meeting on Thursday 22nd of July at 1:30pm in room 2.21. If you can't face the prospect of skipping a design lecture I can go and fill everyone in later.

Information I'm aware of so far.....

When: Saturday 7 August
Where: Auckland
Cost: one-way train trip = $TBC, entry fee = $FREE for SANNZ members, but probably $20 - $30 for non members. flight back down = $50 - $60

More updates in the near future!

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